Wills Point FFA
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WP FFA Student Policy Handbook 2023-2024
Posted By: Kimberly Martin   9/27/2023
Attached is the Wills Point FFA Student Policy Handbook. All students who wish to compete in LDEs, CDEs, livestock showing, and any FFA activities will need to have a signed handbook on file. Students can pick up a copy of the signature pages 14 and 15 from an Ag teacher to get signed by parents. 
Please contact Mrs. Martin at kimberly.martin@wpisd.com if you have any questions regarding the FFA student handbook. FFA Student Handbook
Kick-Off School FFA Bash
Posted By: Kimberly Martin   8/22/2023

Kick-Off School FFA Bash 
5:00-7:30 PM Come and go! Come play kickball! 
Food & FFA Fun!!


Quality Counts
Posted By: Kimberly Martin   8/4/2021

Make sure your child's Quality Counts is up to date before you turn in any entries for major shows and Van Zandt County Fair. We cannot pull kids out of class to complete this, but they are welcome to come in before/after school and lunch to work on it. If your child completed it last year but has moved up a division in grade level (Junior grade 3-5, Intermediate grades 6-8 and Senior grades 9-12), they will need to retake it. When selecting the organization, make sure to select WILLS POINT FFA and VAN ZANDT 4-H. 

Click this link to complete Quality Counts 



NameOwnerDate AddedSize
WP FFA Student Policy Handbook 2023-2024
Kimberly  Martin
9/27/2023 403 KB
Updated Quality Counts Enrollment Instructions 2023
Kimberly  Martin
8/2/2023 67 KB
Quality Counts Enrollment Instructions
Kimberly  Martin
1/3/2022 158 KB


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